Tag Archives: celebrating holidays with teenagers

Creating a Stress-Free Holiday with your Teen

Our expectations define our experiences. In the exact same situation, two people can have very different experiences based on what they expected to happen. For example, let’s assume Sally and Fred attend a holiday party. Sally was dreading the party and thought it would be boring and awkward. Fred was very excited to attend the party and thought it would

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Holiday Traditions Your Teens Will Love

As children grow older, it is all too easy to give up on holiday traditions. Everyone’s busy schedule is crammed with extra to-do lists, parents tend to be feeling a little tired from the pressure, and teens can be less-than-enthusiastic participants in family activities. But, we encourage you to not give up on holiday traditions for two main reasons! First,

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An Affordable Holiday: Creative Ways to Celebrate with Teens

The holiday season has somehow changed from the spirit of giving to the spirit of excessive spending. During this period of recession and financial uncertainty, it is not a good time to increase debt or spend beyond our means. Although creating a meaningful holiday without spending too much may feel impossible, there are ways to make the people in your

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