Employment Readiness Services

Our youth are essential to the future of our communities, but many are in desperate need of guidance and support that teaches them simple job basics, such as how to write a resume, apply for a job, interview, and behave properly on the job.  They are also unaware of their options for college and how to apply.

With early intervention and education, at-risk youth can learn the skills necessary to obtain and maintain employment, and to establish savings. Studies show that youth who have these skills are better able to find employment and less likely to be involved in criminal activity.

Our Employment Readiness Services provide local teens with:

  • a safe place to learn valuable skills they can use personally and professionally;
  • meaningful hands-on employment experience, reducing the amount of time available for risky behaviors; and
  • a network that provides guidance and support.

Middle Earth offers these services that to help youth gain and keep employment:


Middle Earth’s PROMISE Program is a structured program for Somerset County youth, ages 14-19, that helps them to improve academic success; learn job readiness skills; and gain employment experience. Participants receive:

  • up to 12 weeks of assessment, goal identification, tutoring and academic support, community service, life skills education, and support services,
  • 2 weeks of job readiness training, and
  • 8 weeks in a paid internship.


The PLUS program provides similar services to PROMISE for youth aged 16-21 years old who are in need of employment readiness and mentoring.


The VISIONS Program provides work readiness training services to out-of-school youth, ages 16-24, who are low-income, reside in Somerset or Hunterdon Counties, and face life challenges.

The purpose of the Visions Program is to provide youth with lessons on employment readiness and the expectations of employers and offer community service opportunities that enhance their resume.

Program youth are paid a stipend for their participation in instruction time. Youth are also provided with support services to help them manage any challenges they are facing. Upon completion of the program, youth can potentially access up to $4000 towards school/training.


The PLUS program provides similar services to VISIONS for young adults, aged 18-21 years old, who have “aged-out” of the child welfare system and are in need of mentoring, support, and employment readiness skills.

Click here to see local job postings and opportunities.

Funding for our PLUS programs has been provided in part by The Children’s Hope Initiative—Friends of Somerset County Youth.